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Trusted Unified View of Data Across Multiple Locations

Data Lakes.

Efficiently store data from various OT sources in a centralized location, where it can be securely managed, tagged, organized, and published.

Make Data Agile and Visible within Next-Generation Industrial Data Lakes, Data Hubs and Data Marts.

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Securely Managed, Tagged, and Organized

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Lumada Industrial DataOps Portfolio Capabilities

IIoT Core
An open and scalable core IoT platform foundation with edge IIoT protocol conversion, API integration, notification alerts and AI/ML applications hosting.
Data Integration and Analytics
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Data Integration and Analytics
Ingest, blend, cleanse and prepare ERP, MES, weather, and business application data. Orchestrate data flows anywhere. Pentaho technology delivers the solution.
Data Catalog
Data catalog speeds data discovery for self-service analytics, compliance and data rationalization across your IT and OT data stores and Data Lakes.

“With advance warning of logging activities, our partners on the ground will be able to take appropriate action faster, and potentially save more trees and animals.”

Topher White

CEO and Founder, Rainforest Connection

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What is a Data Lake?

Larger data repositories that provide the greatest ease and largest capacity for storing nearly any type of data format. Data lakes are often the first repository in a data stack, receiving the influx of all raw, semi-structured, and structured data.

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Why do you need a data lake?

Enterprises gain significant business insights from their data which can be leveraged to get a foothold over their competitors. With the increasing costs of collecting and processing Big Data sets, and to stay ahead, they turn to data lakes.

What is a Data Lake versus a data warehouse?

Data lakes are broader data repository systems with data ingestion as a primary concern over data analysis. Though analytics are developing around data lakes, data lakes are highly inclusive, accepting all data types and supporting all users.

How long does it take to deploy a Data Lake?

The journey to build your data lake could take anywhere from 3 months to implement basic functionality, and up to a year to implement it with advanced analytics and machine learning using a leading cloud provider.

Experience the Power of Lumada DataOps

Meet with an expert to see the full solution functionality including integration, profiling, optimization, and analytics.
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