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Press Release

April 10, 2018

REAN Cloud Wins State of Texas Department of Information Resources Cloud Services Contract

New contract win to expedite procurement and delivery of cloud services for state agencies and educational organizations

HERNDON, VA., April 11, 2018 – REAN Cloud, a global cloud systems integrator and managed service provider (MSP), today announced it has been awarded a State of Texas (TX) Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cloud Services contract. DIR provides guidance on technology solutions and vendors to support state and local government and educational organizations through its Cooperative Contracts Services. With this contract, REAN Cloud can now market its cloud services directly to TX state and local agencies, public school districts and institutions of higher learning. In turn, these entities can liaise directly with REAN Cloud on pricing and procurement to streamline the order process, while accelerating their migration to the cloud.

REAN Cloud will offer a variety of cloud services, including cloud management, migration, compliance and disaster recovery. REAN Cloud will also leverage the DIR Cloud Services contract as a vehicle to reach other not-for-profit organizations based in Texas, and out-of-state organizations and agencies that have an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement in place with Texas, helping to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of local governments by authorizing them to contract with one another and with agencies out of state.

"We are proud to be selected to work with Texas DIR to help state entities embrace the ever-changing technology landscape and adopt cloud services in a cost-effective way," said Sekhar Puli, managing partner and co-founder of REAN Cloud. "Thanks to our outcome-based pricing model and automated approach to cloud adoption, we enable organizations to realize their cloud journey in weeks, rather than months."

REAN Cloud has a long-standing track record working with public sector agencies at all levels of government, from the U.S. Department of Defense US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) to key educational institutions and higher education technology leaders, like Ellucian.

With its deep security DNA, extensive compliance expertise and team of certified cloud engineers, REAN Cloud can securely move workloads to the cloud almost twice as fast as other MSPs. Core to its strategy is its REAN Accelerator PlatformTM, which automates all stages of the cloud adoption lifecycle from assessment and migration to testing and compliance. And thanks to REAN Cloud's continuous compliance capabilities, DevOps pipelines and auto-healing services, it can dramatically reduce cloud migration complexity.

When organizations make purchases through the Cooperative Contracts program, they have the bulk buying power of the State of Texas on their side, which means they can benefit from proven vendors without contending with a lengthy procurement process, according to the Texas DIR. Specifically, for Cooperative Contracts, every dollar customers save is a dollar that can be spent on mission-critical services such as education and health care. In fiscal year 2017, Texas DIR reached over $1.89 billion in technology customer purchases, which translates into more than $364 million in savings for taxpayers.

Honored as the "Tech Company of the Year" by the Northern Virginia Technology Council and in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Public Cloud Infrastructure MSP, Worldwide for a second consecutive year, REAN Cloud has been recognized for its innovative approach to migrating workloads to the cloud, enabling cost savings, accelerating cloud implementation and large-scale IT modernization.

About REAN Cloud

REAN Cloud is a global Cloud Systems Integrator (CSI), Managed Service Provider (MSP) and Premier Consulting Partner in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN) and Microsoft Azure Silver Partner. REAN Cloud offers managed and professional services and patent-pending solutions for hyperscale integrated infrastructure (IaaS) and platform (PaaS) service providers and is one of few MSPs capable of supporting the entire cloud services lifecycle. Backed by extensive security DNA, deep compliance expertise and broad big data and analytics experience, REAN Cloud specializes in helping enterprise customers operating in highly regulated environments – Financial Services, Healthcare/Life Sciences, Education and the Public Sector – maximize their cloud investments by automating and accelerating key processes so they can fully leverage the benefits of the cloud. The REAN Cloud team has worked alongside global organizations including the American Heart Association, USTRANSCOM, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Ditech Mortgage, Ellucian, Globus Genomics, Palo Alto Networks, Philips, PierianDx, SAP, Symantec, Teradata, and Veritas. REAN Cloud is a registered trademark of REAN Cloud LLC.

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