DataOps has created a lot of hype as a practice for agile and automated data management. See how it applies to financial services and how it can help you modernize your data fabric. Learn how DataOps makes data visible from edge to cloud, provides frictionless access to data, enhances data pipelines for faster AI, and automates and scales data governance.
VP, Industry Solutions & Value Management, Cloudera
Srini Krovvidy
Senior Director, Advanced Analytics Enablement, Fannie Mae
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Enable Policy-Based Migration of Data With NAS System Software
Read this datasheet to see how network attached storage (NAS) system software, included with Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform N series (VSP N series) and Hitachi NAS Platform (HNAS) systems, provides advanced cloud integration and intelligent tiering.
Hitachi Again Named a “Visionary” in Gartner Magic Quadrant for IIoT Platforms
Gartner, Inc. recognized Hitachi as a "Visionary" in its 2019 Magic Quadrant for Industrial IoT platforms based on its evaluation of Hitachi's Lumada software.
"FirstName": "Nome",
"LastName": "Sobrenome",
"Email": "E-mail comercial",
"Title": "Cargo",
"Company": "Nome da empresa",
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"City": "City",
"Phone": "Business Telephone",
"LeadCommentsExtended": "Informações adicionais (opcional)",
"LblCustomField1": "What solution area are you wanting to discuss?",
"ApplicationModern": "Application Modernization",
"InfrastructureModern": "Infrastructure Modernization",
"Other": "Other",
"DataModern": "Data Modernization",
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{ "FirstName" : "Insira o nome", "LastName" : "Insira o sobrenome", "Title" : "Insira um cargo", "Company" : "Insira o nome da empresa", "City" : "Digite a cidade", "State" : "Digite o estado", "Country" : "Digite o país", "Phone" : "digite o número de telefone", "phoneforForm" : "digite o número de telefone", "Email" : "Insira um endereço de email comercial válido" }
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