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Hitachi Vantara Emergency Business Continuity Podcast

How has the COVID-19 Pandemic impacted the role of Business and IT

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Get Hitachi Vantara's CTOs' opinions on how the COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping how IT operates.


Howard Holton

CTO, Hitachi Vantara

Scott Davis

Enterprise Architecture Lead, Hitachi Vantara

Paul Lewis

Global CTO, Hitachi Vantara

Tim Langley-Hawthorne

CIO Hitachi Vantara


Thanks for joining us today. Today our topic is: How has the pandemic, the COVID-19 outbreak, uh, impacted business? But in more depth, how is it impacting the role of IT to deliver on business survival and the ability to maybe even thrive, uh, during this pandemic, but certainly to look at how do we come out the other side of it, um, without as much impact hopefully as some companies are seeing? Cause there's … it's an understatement to say there's been a, just a ton of disruption across every industry, a cascading effects to suppliers and other things. So I'd like to kick off the call today with some, with some introductions. I'd like to welcome Paul Lewis, who's the head of our CTO department at Hitachi Vantara and Tim Langley-Hawthorne, who's, Hitachi Vantara's, chief technical officer, managing all of our internal IT infrastructure, and Howard Holton. Howard, what's your current title?
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