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451 Research: Storage Modernization is Required to Meet Today’s Challenges

Read this 451 Research Business Impact Brief to learn why storage modernization is essential to meet the top five storage pain point challenges, like data/capacity growth, meeting disaster recovery requirements, the high cost of storage, etc.

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Organizations of all sizes are contending with rapid data growth, which compounds a host of other storage-related challenges. For many companies, this includes meeting disaster recovery and regulatory requirements, high capex costs and the ability to deliver adequate performance to match the needs of demanding applications and business stakeholders.

In this Business Impact Brief from 451 Research you&#39ll learn about some of the following challenges:
  • How data capacity and growth is the top pain point for IT leaders, and will continue to get worse.
  • That disaster recovery and business continuity requirements are a top pain point.
  • Slow storage infrastructure performance issues continue to be a major headache.